Why is Concrete Scanning so Important

Why is Concrete Scanning so Important

Got a renovation project coming up? Here’s why concrete scanning is essential for any project.

1. To find embedded objects: 

If pipes, cables, or other objects are embedded in the concrete, you’ll need to know about them before you start drilling or cutting. Otherwise, you could cause severe damage.

2. To find voids: 

If there are any voids or other weaknesses in the concrete, you’ll need to consider them when planning your project. Otherwise, you could end up with structural problems down the line.

3. To assess the thickness of the concrete:

This is important for knowing how much weight the concrete can support. If you’re planning on putting heavy machinery or loads on the concrete, you must be sure it can handle the weight.

4. To find reinforcement: 

This is important for knowing where to place any structural support that may be needed. The concrete could only succeed if the reinforcement is in the right place.

5. To create a baseline: 

This is important for future reference. If you ever need to do any repairs or alterations, having a concrete scan on hand will give you a good starting point.

Concrete scanning is an essential part of any construction or renovation project. By taking the time to do a scan, you can avoid potential hazards and ensure the success of your project.

Need concrete scanning specialists near you on the Sunshine Coast? Contact us today.
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